In the documentary "War Photographer", it did a great job on what was going on outside our canadian bubble and proved that for some people the other side is not greener. The film for me was not really trying to sell you out and donate thousands of dollars but more  trying to show how western people have it great compared to other countrys, mainly in the middle east. I enjoyed the movie, as it was playing I saw some people look away at the gory parts, which is silly because when you watch them other than looking away and ignore it, it is sort of wrong. The film people added these parts into the documentary to show you what these peoples expressions are and how they are dealing with it. The filmers dont take the footage to make people sick, but to show how different the world is. So if you looked away you are disrepecting the people. 
I disagree with Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson! The most astounding fact to me would be time, not a clock but the dimensions of time itself. It is always changing and will never stop, making history and determining the future. Time can be on our side and can be against us. It is something that no one will and never have control of, but I bet your wondering why its the most astounding fact? Well let me tell you. Einstein's Theory of relativity say that Time and space are woven together forming a four-dimensional fabric called "space-time". The extreme mass of earth dimples this fabric.  Sort of like a heavy person sitting in the middle of a trampoline. Einstein says "Gravity is simply the motion of objects following the curvaceous lines of the dimple." If our planet was stationary that would be the end of our story. The planet is not stationary though, earth spins and its spin should twist the dimple, slightly, pulling it around into a 4 -dimensional swirl. GP-B( Gravity Probe B) was sent to space to check this. So the idea that there is other dimensions with time playing as the forth dimension is amazing. So yes I do disagree with Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson. The most astounding fact to me is Time, and how there are different dimensions with different realities. 
im an instrument whose music comes from the heart. what am I?